Sunday 22 December 2013

Kemerdekaan mengajar erti berdikari - Leila Balkhis

 Leila Balkhis
Senor Executive Sales Leader, D104

Sejak menjadi Sales Leader Ampang, Kuala Lumpur pada 2010, pencapaian Puan Leila hingga setakat ini telah meningkat dan berkembang hingga ke kawasan Cheras, Subang Jaya, Petaling Jaya, Shah Alam dan Kelang.

Berdikari & Jatidiri
“Kemerdekaan mengajar erti berdikari dan jatidiri. Hidup tidak boleh berminta-minta. Di mana ada kemahuan, di situ ada jalan dan saya memilih Avon untuk cermelang, jelas Pemenang Anugerah Pearl of Asia 2013.Di Avon, kemerdekaan menjana kejayaan dan nikmatinya dirasai oleh seluruh warga downline hinggalah ke Leader. Inilah uniknya perniagaan Avon.
Bangga Diri
Di antara pencapaian menbanggakan beliau ialah Sales Leader Terbaik Daerah pada setiap tahun, pemenang Konvensyen Antarabangsa Phuket dan Chengmai, Thailand di samping Persada Dunia 1 , New Zealand pada awal tahun ini.
 Namun pencapaian memenangi Anugerah Pearl of Asia adalah anugerah paling berharga bagi beliau. Menurut beliau, “Cabaran Pearl of Asia benar-benar mencabar saya dan downline. Sepanjang empat suku tahun, kami berkerja keras memastikan Sales Leader baru dibangunkan pada setiap kempen.
Mesti Dilakukan
“Juga meningkatkan tip-tip jualan kepada downline berpotensi, mengadakan perjumpaan secara berkumpulan dan individu membuat perlantikan pada setiap kempen.” kata beliau bagi menjamin kemenangan.
Cabaran datang bersama halangan. Di antaranya, komitmen masa kepada downline yang membuat Sales Leadership secara separuh masa dan persaingan dengan syarikat jualan langsung yang sedia ada.
 Untuk mencapai matlamat 2013, beliau bertekad untuk melahirkan ramai Sales Leader dan Ahli Golden Circle baru berbanding tahun 2012 serta membina satu skuad kumpulan untuk mengajak ramai orang ‘Join Avon’ dengan misi tersendiri.
Bersama Berjaya
 Kepada Sales Leader baru dan yang sedang meningkat, beliau menyaran mereka supaya meluangkan masa bersama downline di sesi latihan sama ada yang dikendalikan oleh Upline, Zone Manager atua Butik.
Ini adalah kerana, “… untuk memantapkan ilmu barangan dan kemahiran jualan secara sistematik bagi membina seorang Leader yang berpengetahuan dan tahu selok-belok pengurusan,” jelas beliau.
Untuk mengekalkan status, Sales Leader mestilah meningkatkan usaha. Selain daripada meluaskan jualan dan menambah bilangan downline, Sales Leader tersebut mestilah aktif mengadakan Home Party dan Demo di rumah dan tempat pameran seperti kolej, institusi, persatuan dan sebagainya
Top 10 Negara
Sempena Hari Kemerdekaan ini beliau telah pun menanam tekad untuk muncul sebagai 10 Sales Leader Terbaik Negara 2014.

“Kemerdekaan adalah satu kemenangan setelah berjuang bermati-matian dan untuk menjadi Sales Leader Terbaik Negara ia menuntut usaha yang sehebat itu dari saya” kata beliau.

Thursday 12 December 2013

Single mum credits Avon for helping her out of distress

CLOSE KNIT: Suriati poses for a photo with her boys, Zulfikka (left) and Mohd Muinuddin.

KUCHING: Single mother Suriati Bahari, 37, was at her wits end supporting herself and two sons after her husband left her for another woman until her friend introduced her to a direct selling company, Avon.

Joining the company after her friend persuaded her to, she now supplements her income by selling Avon products.

Apart from working at a factory in Daro as a cleaner, Suriati sells Avon products to her office mates and friends on weekends, and earns around RM300 a month. She also gets RM200 per month from the Welfare Department for her sons aged 12 and 14.

“When my husband first left me in 2003, I was selling ‘kuih’ at the canteen for a year before selling them at the night market. Since the income was not stable, I quit and found work as a cleaner, but it was still not enough,” she said.

“My sons also missed their father when he first left, but after sometime, they stopped asking for him because they knew that he was not coming back,” she added.

However, she was lucky that she had a caring family and neighbours who helped her out, and her late mum let her move back into the family home.

Her mum also took care of her young sons when she went out to work.

Her family home is shared with her two older sisters.

She was very stressed at first because of lack of money, but at the same time her boys continued to love her and understood her hardship and were well behaved as they knew that her sacrifices and hard work were for them.

Her best experience so far since joining Avon in late 2010 was managing to hit the sales target of RM18,000 and going for a trip to Sunway Lagoon in July last year.

She said though it did not sound much, it was her first time to the capital city.

“I hope to hit more targets because of the trips. Without it, I would never have left the village and see new places. The earnings from selling the products also help reduce my financial burden and take care of my children’s needs,” she said.

She hopes that her children will do better in their studies and be successful in life.

Despite her busy schedule, she takes time to talk and listen to her children and encourage them to study hard. She is also very close to them.

Apart from their studies, her boys Zulfikka and Mohd Muinuddin are also active in extra co-curricular activities like joining library, football and scouts clubs.

In Avon, she is led by senior sales leader Wong Poh Sing. Wong was recently awarded a car of her dreams, a Nissan Fortuner, for her achievements.

“I look up to Madam Wong’s success because she inspires me to work harder. I hope that I can be as confident and successful as she is.”

For more information about Avon, please contact Avon hotline at 1800-22- AVON (2866) or

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Norsahida Mohd warisi Avon daripada ibu

NORSAHIDA (kiri) bergambar dengan wakil-wakil Avon seluruh negara.
JENAMA Avon bukanlah label yang asing dalam diri wanita kelahiran Kuantan, Pahang ini kerana dirinya mula mengenali Avon sejak di bangku sekolah. Jenama itu telah melingkari hidupnya sejak berusia 11 tahun lagi selepas diperkenalkan oleh arwah ibunya.

Bukan itu sahaja, pemilik nama Norsahida Mohd. Said, 32, itu turut membantu ibunya menjual Avon secara kecil-kecilan ketika zaman persekolahan.

Betapa sebatinya jenama Avon dalam dirinya, Norsahida yang kini menetap di Jengka, Pahang meneruskan minatnya berniaga produk Avon ketika meneruskan pengajiannya di Universiti Utara Malaysia.

“Sebaik sahaja tamat pengajian dalam jurusan Pengajian Perniagaan pada tahun 2002, saya terus melibatkan diri dengan Avon dan mula terlibat dengan serius pada tahun 2003.

“Tidak perlu melabur banyak. Modal permulaan hanya RM15 bagi melayakkan diri menjadi ahli dan kita akan menerima brosur serta katalog,” katanya yang merupakan salah seorang daripada 10 Sales Leader Terbaik Negara.

Tambahnya, tidak seperti syarikat atau produk lain yang bermula dengan modal permulaan ratusan ringgit, sesiapa sahaja boleh melibatkan diri dalam perniagaan Avon asalkan ada kemahuan.

Norsahida bukan sahaja menjual produk Avon malah, turut menggunakan sebahagian rangkaian produk Avon sejak di bangku sekolah lagi iaitu produk penjagaan kulit khusus untuk remaja iaitu Clear Skin sebagai produk pertamanya.

“Tidak perlu bersusah payah menjual produk Avon kerana jenamaya dan kualiti produknya sudah dikenali ramai. Dalam masa yang sama semua produknya mampu dimiliki daripada barangan budak sekolah hinggalah golongan dewasa.

“Suka saya untuk menggalakkan wanita mahupun lelaki di luar sana untuk menyertai Avon kerana ia mampu memberikan peluang pendapatan yang lumayan bagi menampung kos kehidupan yang semakin meningkat kini,” katanya.

Norsahida yang banyak membuat jualan di Universiti Teknologi Mara, Jengka terutamanya untuk produk lelaki memberitahu jenama Avon sudah menjangkau usia 125 tahun di dunia dan 33 tahun jenama tersebut berkembang di Malaysia.

Ganjaran lumayan

NORSAHIDA mahu wanita terutama suri rumah meraih kejayaan sepertinya bersama Avon.
“Mungkin ramai yang tidak tahu betapa beruntungnya menjual barangan Avon dan jika kita berusaha lebih kita akan dapat ganjaran yang lumayan.
“Saya sendiri semasa mula-mula menjual Avon, saya tiada apa-apa. Tiada kereta dan tiada rumah apatah lagi hidup dalam kemewahan. Namun, selepas beberapa tahun bersama Avon, impian saya memiliki rumah sendiri dan kereta mewah Mercedes-Benz tercapai juga,” ujarnya yang kini hamil anak ketiga.

Menurutnya, Avon banyak membantu daripada segi pemberian kredit.

“Sampai satu tahap, kita boleh menerima kredit tanpa cagaran dan faedah. Avon cagarkan kepercayaannya untuk berikan kredit. Itu kelainan Avon berbanding syarikat-syarikat lain.

“Bukan setakat pemberian kredit tanpa cagaran, malah dapat pula pergi trip melancong ke luar negara yang tidak pernah diimpi-impikan sebelum ini setiap tahun,” ceritanya yang mendapat sokongan penuh suaminya, Imran@Burhan Mahmood, 39.

Antara lokasi yang pernah dilawati Norsahida ialah Shanghai, Busan, London, Paris, Los Angeles dan New Zealand selain berpeluang menaiki kapal mewah Royal Caribbean Cruise.

Pesannya, jika seseorang itu mahu berjaya, pertama sekali yang perlu dilakukan adalah kaji terlebih dahulu syarikat yang mahu diceburi.

“Avon merupakan sebuah syarikat yang kukuh dengan peningkatan jualan setiap tahun. Sejak berkecimpung dengan Avon, pelbagai anugerah diraih.

“Tanpa Avon, mungkin saya tidak mencapai apa yang saya miliki sekarang ini. Bagi wanita di luar sana, marilah bersama-sama menyertai perniagaan Avon kerana ia mampu mengubah nasib diri dan keluarga,” katanya.

Friday 22 November 2013

Jual produk Avon sara pengajian anak

AINI cuma bermodalkan RM500 semasa mula berniaga produk Avon.

MENDEKATI wanita kelahiran Sungai Petani, Kedah ini sungguh tidak menyangka bahawa umurnya sudah menjangkau 56 tahun. Ini disebabkan fizikalnya yang sihat dan cergas selain mudah melontarkan senyuman.

Bagi Aini Abdul Aziz, jenama Avon tidak asing buat dirinya kerana beliau selalu mendengarnya sejak kecil.

Namun, tidak pernah pula terlintas di fikirannya untuk menyertai Avon.

Bagaimanapun, selepas melihat berita kejayaan wanita-wanita Avon melalui akhbar dan majalah, minatnya terhadap produk itu tiba-tiba muncul.

“Kebetulan pada masa itu saya perlu menanggung enam orang anak yang sedang belajar. Suami pula sudah pencen. Jadi, saya tekad menyertai Avon.

“Empat orang anak belajar di universiti dan saya perlu memberikan wang saku sebanyak RM200 seminggu kepada setiap seorang.

“Jadi, setiap minggu saya perlu menyediakan RM800,” katanya yang mempunyai empat anak lelaki dan dua perempuan berusia antara 21 hingga 29 tahun.

Tambah Aini, beliau perlu melakukan sesuatu supaya pengajian anak-anaknya tidak terjejas.

“Alhamdulillah, saya mampu menghantar tiga orang anak saya ke Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dan seorang lagi di Universiti Teknologi Mara hasil jualan produk Avon.

“Bagi memulakan perniagaan, modal yang diperlukan tidaklah besar. Malah, Avon turut memberikan pinjaman,” katanya yang cuma bermodalkan RM500 untuk mula berniaga.

Aini memberitahu, kehidupannya sebelum menyertai syarikat itu agak susah. Beliau pernah terlibat dalam perniagaan syarikat pemasaran pelbagai peringkat tetapi sering mengalami masalah kewangan.
“Ketika itu untuk bayar duit ansuran bulanan kereta pun susah apatah lagi mahu menyediakan wang pedidikan anak-anak.

“Sebaliknya, produk Avon lebih mudah untuk dijual kerana jenama itu sudah dikenali ramai.

USAHAWAN Avon. Aini (tiga dari kiri) bergambar kenangan dengan wakil-wakil pengedar Avon di Kuala Lumpur baru-baru ini.

“Pada masa yang sama, kami dapat banyak sokongan daripada syarikat Avon sendiri,” jelasnya.
Mengapa Avon? Aini memberitahu, selain jenama, Avon memberi peluang kepada mereka yang mahukan pendapatan lumayan.

Memegang teguh prinsip mahu membantu orang lain untuk maju dan dalam masa yang sama memajukan diri sendiri, Aini turut mengajak rakan-rakan lain untuk berjaya sepertinya.

Berjumpa dan melatih barisan pelapis menjadi rutin hariannya. Aini tidak lokek berkongsi ilmu, memberi motivasi tentang promosi jualan dan membimbing mereka supaya meningkatkan status dalam Sales Leadership.

Atas pencapaian cemerlangnya, Aini pernah dibawa Avon melancong ke Bali, Indonesia dan Las Vegas, Amerika Syarikat.
Beliau juga muncul dalam kalangan 10 Sales Leader Terbaik Avon tahun lalu.

Kini, Aini mempunyai lapan Senior Executive Sales Leader dan lima Executive Sales Leader di bawah kumpulan jualannya.

“Saya semakin bersemangat kerana suami saya, Yusari Maslan, 59, sentiasa menyokong penglibatan saya bersama Avon lebih-lebih lagi dia turut meminati bidang perniagaan.

“Walaupun sudah berusia, kami masih bergerak aktif. Jadi, suka saya nasihatkan mereka yang sudah pencen di luar sana supaya aktif berniaga dengan Avon. Sekurang-kurangnya ia dapat menambah pendapatan,” katanya. 
Aini yang dinobatkan sebagai Sales Leader ketiga negara memberitahu, tanpa sokongan dan kerjasama daripada kumpulan bawahannya, tidak mungkin beliau berjaya seperti hari ini.

Walaupun sudah berjaya, Aini tetap berusaha membantu anak-anak buah untuk turut sama mengikut jejak langkahnya.

Malah, beliau menggalakkan wanita yang memegang status ibu tunggal supaya melibatkan diri dengan Avon kerana ia dapat mengubah hidup mereka.

Friday 11 October 2013

Avon celebrates 36 years in Malaysia with big plans

IT IS a common misconception that life as a top seller in a direct selling company is totally blissful.

While many think that it must be heavenly for those in the top tier to live like an epicurean from the labour of their down-liners as they rake in the cash without lifting a finger, that is an urban myth.

Even though these top-sellers or best performers can kick up their feet once in a while, that doesn’t mean the hard work is over.

These top sellers started off at the bottom and persevered through each level to now live comfortably with healthy monthly income. And even after all that they still need to be diligent as it could all disappear instantly.

“Despite being at the top, they still have to work hard, but in a different way. Instead of focusing on selling and promoting the products, they pay more attention to honing their leadership skills in order to develop their team (down-liners) to constantly motivate them to perform.

“This is to maintain the life-line of the whole selling process that will benefit everyone at all levels of the business,” explains Avon Malaysia managing director Carolyn Nur Amira Lee.

Thus, recognition and empowerment through team-building is crucial in the direct selling and multi-level marketing (MLM) industry, and that sometimes takes more effort than merely selling the brand.

In fact, Avon is one of the only direct selling companies that specialises in team-building and leadership development on a large scale, says Lee, who was appointed a year ago as the company’s first female managing director in Malaysia. The former managing director of Nutrimetics Malaysia, another MLM company, Lee has 24 years of consumer goods and direct selling experience as well as significant training and development skills under her belt.

The power of a woman
Not to be mistaken for just another transient direct selling firm, Avon Products Inc, with its motto “The company for women”, started as a small perfume enterprise 126 years ago and is now a venerable Fortune 500 company with over six million members in 100 countries, generating more than US$11bil (RM33.4bil) in annual revenue.

The company was founded by bookseller David McConnell. McConnell decided to offer free perfume that he made himself as enticements to buy books. He soon discovered that women were more interested in the perfumes. He then appointed 50-year-old Persis Foster Eames Albee as the first Avon sales representative (then referred to as a general agent). Today, Albee is recognised by Avon representatives as being the woman who created the company’s system for distributing products that range from fragrances, beauty products, kitchenware and supplements.

In Malaysia, Lee says the firm, which celebrates its 36th year in the country, is riding high on its success with 500,000 representatives or “Avon ladies” .
The very top sellers, who are saluted as “Avon Puteri”, earn RM1mil or more a year.

The rest of the Avon ladies strive to get there while at the same time, enjoying what they do, whether it’s to make a living or to do it on a part-time basis.

“Being a rep isn’t easy but it’s simple. The secret to this industry is to be absolutely passionate about what you do and this attitude will become contagious. The business is about growing and developing your network by sharing this passion with others so that they’ll do the same. Some have made it to the top level in a year, others take three to five years, but the sky is the limit,” says Lee.

Besides the representatives, there are also 200 Avon franchisor boutiques, each also called Avon Puteri in Malaysia.

Through franchising, the company aims to promote opportunities for women to become fully fledged entrepreneurs in a thriving market. Right now Avon is seeking for more franchisors in 10 locations in a few areas of Kuala Lumpur, Perlis, Perak, Pahang, Sabah, Sarawak, Negri Sembilan, Johor and Shah Alam.
“It’s not all about money as it gives one a sense of self-fulfilment through building relationships with others and experiencing a positive change in life — this is something money can’t buy,” explains Lee.

Representatives do what they do best in representing and even personifying the brand as they believe in the quality of its products that are value for money.

“Avon is like a big family and we have forged very close relationships with our reps,” says Lee.
As more people turn to direct selling as their main income, they are also doing their part for the economy as there are now about 4.3 million direct sellers in the country, around 16% of the total population.

The Government has recognised that the industry is a major contributor to the economy and hopes that it will reach RM10bil in sales by 2015.

What also attracts members to Avon is the guidance and incentives they receive upon signing up.
“You never walk alone when you join because we provide training and a mentor to give you the confidence to influence others to do the same thing. But to be realistic, you won’t be successful overnight. Just like any other business, you have to put in the hard work and believe in yourself.

“We constantly motivate our members to achieve their best results and to also be involved with our social events that aim to empower women with various activities that range from annual trips, to beautiful holidays around the world,” Lee says.

Such events are emblematic of Avon as the firm is built on the foundation of enriching and educating women in matters that are close to the heart such as breast cancer prevention, speaking out against domestic violence and donating to worldwide charitable causes.

Besides this, Lee has implemented the “Put a car in every home” monthly programme for some of the best performers. A representative can choose any car and. once she’s earned the deposit for it, will receive RM1,000 every month for her car loan.

Lee says members and buyers can be 100% confident in Avon products as each is backed by scientific research.

“No product will be sold if it’s not approved by the company’s own qualified scientists who are based in the New York labs. Every claim we make is backed by research, unlike some other companies who source their products from third parties,” explains Lee.

As such, product development, from incubation to marketing, takes about a year. For a brand that comes up with several new products every month, that’s quite a feat for everyone involved.
“Aside from high quality, our products are also innovative and offer good value for money being cheaper than most other branded goods,” says Lee.

With great power, come greater responsibilities
Lee has a big job in her hands to ensure that the products stay fresh and maintaining the brand’s strong competitive advantage.

“We need to consistently refresh and rejuvenate ourselves by thinking out of the box and generating new ideas.

“This applies to everything revolving around the product such as merchandising, packaging and marketing, thus we’re always giving feedback to the R&D team,” says the mother of three.

“We have to do the same for our incentive programmes, and now that we see younger reps joining us, we have to ask if our programmes are relevant and whether they will generate excitement.

“If we want to appeal to the younger generation and new market segments, we can’t just do the same thing all the time. We need to scrub through every aspect of the business to see improvement and progress as a whole,” explains Lee.

Evolving in this manner, she stresses, does not change or alter the brand’s image as it still maintains its mission and vision of empowering women.

She openly admits that there is a scarcity of talent in the industry and, like many senior leaders, is afraid that it may hinder business development.

“Like most industries, we find it a challenge to find talent, especially now that we see a generational shift of Generation Y and X becoming successors of the baby-boomers. But that’s why we need to keep up to date and be aware of the needs of each generation to promote the positivity and enthusiasm that will attract and retain the talent we need for success,” Lee says.

Read more

Friday 16 August 2013

Women can ‘break free’ like Bong of Avon, says Fatimah

BINTULU: Entrepreneurship is one of the effective ways to empower women’s role in the state especially in economic activity, said Minister of Welfare, Women and Family Development Datuk Fatimah Abdullah.

She said under her ministry in the Women Bureau, their target is to empower women, especially those from the low income group so they can earn extra income and move out from poverty level.

“We want to see our women, build up their potential in any field, what is important is we must grab the opportunity and be up-to-date, able to stand on our own feet, at the same time, we don’t neglect our family’s well-being,” said Fatimah.

She was speaking as guest-of-honour during the official opening of Avon Boutique Bintulu at Parkcity Commerce Square yesterday.

She added that business women must be able to adapt to changes in their surrounding in order to be more competitive.

Of which, Information Technology (IT) is a critical area for women to learn if they want to survive in a competitive market.

 “Facebook (FB) is an effective medium of communication, we in Social Welfare Department (JKM) also collect related information from the Internet. It is an effective medium if used properly,” she said.

Thus she urged women in the state to keep abreast with all the IT technologies because lots of businesses go online and they cannot be left behind in the process.

 At the same time, she applauded Jessie Bong who is the owner of the Avon Boutique, for successfully setting up a new centre in Bintulu.

“(For) Every successful woman, there is a greater support from their husbands,” said Fatimah adding that their own commitment and discipline and vision also contribute to their success, especially in entrepreneurship.

Bong’s success, she said, should be an inspiration to other women to achieve something that they can be proud of.

According to Fatimah, Avon is a product of quality and affordable for the middle income and students. “There is so much competition in the market of the cosmetics industry, with lots of brands introduced since the establishment of Avon about 137 years ago. “

It is able to stay competitive and did not disappear on the horizon, with its continuous promotion, research and development, marketing research, and Avon managed to stay afloat and attract new customers,” she said.

She also encouraged women to get involve in direct sales for example by becoming an Avon representative because they can start with small capital in the business and can work from home, whereas some businesses need a premises that would increase operational cost.

However to be successful they must learn soft skills, how to communicate and persuade their clients.

“Once you are successful, don’t forget to contribute to the society, what you give, you’ll get back,” Fatimah added.

Bong has years of experience in the business and had won Top 1 Zone Manager title in Malaysia in February 2013 (Kuala Lumpur) and won the Pearl of Asia title in Asia Region in March 2013 (Singapore). Also present during the function were Bintulu district officer Tuah Suni and wife, Kapitan Ting Khai Tung, Bong’s husband Henry Chua and their business partners John Ngu and his wife Tiong Nguok Hiong.

Saturday 10 August 2013

Rebut peluang tambah pendapatan

APABILA pengasas Avon, David H. McConnell menubuhkan California Perfume Company 123 tahun lalu tidak seorang pun termasuk beliau menyangka kehebatan impak syarikat tersebut ke atas jutaan penduduk dunia.

Sebagai salah sebuah syarikat jualan langsung tertua di dunia khusus untuk wanita, kini Avon berjaya membuktikan bahawa kejayaan tidak ada hadnya dengan mengumpul seramai 5.5 juta rekrut dari lebih 100 negara.

Program merekrut berbayar Success Without Limits yang dilaksanakan sejak bertahun-tahun pula mengiktiraf pencapaian cemerlang setiap wakil Avon menerusi peningkatan kredit dan menaik taraf jawatan dari wakil separuh masa sehingga tahap Ketua Unit Eksekutif Kanan.

Menurut Presiden Avon Malaysia, Thailand dan Vietnam, Mansoor Wan Abdullah, sejak 33 tahun lalu, Avon membuka peluang pendapatan kepada hampir setengah juta rakyat Malaysia.
Pinjaman kredit

"Mereka yang berminat tidak perlu mengeluarkan modal besar, sebaliknya Avon akan menyediakan pinjaman kredit untuk menambah stok barangan selain banyak kemudahan lain.

"Tahun lepas sahaja, kami membelanjakan sejumlah RM100 juta kepada semua ahli kami dalam bentuk diskaun, komisen, bonus, kemudahan di samping program latihan dan pembangunan," katanya pada pelancaran kempen 'Bersama Avon, Anda Boleh! - Pendapatan Pun Lebih di Pasar Raya Mydin, USJ Subang baru-baru ini.

Majlis itu dirasmikan oleh Timbalan Menteri Sumber Manusia, Datuk Maznah Mazlan.

Turut hadir, Pengarah Urusan Mydin Mohamed Holdings Berhad, Datuk Ameer Ali Mydin dan Pengarah Jualan Avon Malaysia, Zakaria Daud.

Pada majlis itu juga dua wakil Avon yang terpilih sebagai ikon berjaya iaitu Pengurus Kanan Unit, Salina Mokhtar dan Pengarah Unit, Nik Rosnani Ibrahim. 

Kedua-dua mereka merupakan wajah baru Avon yang telah mula dipaparkan di media elektronik dan cetak mulai 1 Ogos lalu kerana mampu meraih kejayaan sebagai wakil jualan dalam masa singkat.

Pelbagai aktiviti disediakan sepanjang pameran bergerak itu seperti khidmat nasihat penjagaan kulit, nasihat pembangunan perniagaan dan promosi jualan menarik.

Sebanyak 11 lokasi pasar raya utama di seluruh negara termasuk Sabah dan Sarawak dipilih bagi memberi peluang kepada orang ramai mendaftar sebagai wakil Avon secara percuma. 

Mereka hanya perlu membeli produk bernilai RM15 (RM17.50 Sabah dan Sarawak) daripada katalog Avon dan secara automatik tersenarai sebagai salah seorang ratusan ribu wakil Avon di Malaysia.

Thursday 8 August 2013

Sarah Shaqeena Student wins a car for exemplary feat in sales

HARI Raya this year will be one of the most memorable celebrations for Sarah Shaqeena, who received a Honda City from Avon Cosmetics Malaysia recently. 

What is most satisfying for this college student is that she earned the car through hard work and not by chance or luck.

“I am so happy that my hard work has paid off. I joined Avon in February last year and was determined to win a car in Avon’s car incentive programme, and I did it,” said Sarah, 22, who is pursuing a degree in law at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. 

Sarah was introduced to some Avon cosmetics early last year and loved the products.
She then decided to join Avon Sales Leadership programme to earn some pocket money.
After a year, she is earning RM3,000 per month. 

Her goal is to make at least RM5,000 per month by next year. 

Sarah received the car from Avon Malaysia managing director Carolyn Nur Amira Lee at Avon Beauty Boutique Kota Damansara. 

“Sarah is one of the youngest to receive a car from Avon so far and we are very proud of her. Despite her age, she is very ambitious and clear about her goal. 

“She is truly a good role model for many young women out there. Avon provides various programmes to empower women,” said Carolyn.

Avon’s car incentive programme is open to all its senior executive sales leaders (SESL) who maintain their position as SESL for a minimum of three months continuously. 

In this programme, Avon will pay a deposit of up to RM10,000 or 10% of the car value (whichever is lower) and subsidise RM1,000 per month (excluding road tax and insurance). 

The programme is in line with the company’s mission to improve women’s lives. 

Read more

Monday 8 April 2013

Kukuhkan Empayar Avon : Aspalin Haji Sirat

Usaha AVON untuk mengukuhkan empayar kian kukuh bersama individu yang bertungkus-lumus menjayakannya. Nona berkesempatan menemui Pengarah PemasaranKomersial AVON Malaysia, Aspalin Haji Sirat yang menjadi antara orang terpenting dalam syarikat tersebut. Pada awalnya, pelbagai halangan mematahkan niat kami untuk bertemu empat mata, namun kerana komitmen tugas, beliau tetap sudi ditemu bual biarpun hanya sekadar berbalas e-mel.
Mula menyertai AVON semenjak dua dekad yang lalu, Aspalin sentiasa bercita-cita untuk membantu lebih ramai lagi wanita agar berjaya. Ketika ditanya tentang sejarah perkhidmatan beliau, Aspalin tidak keberatan membuka kisahnya sepanjang 20 tahun mencurahkan bakti.
“Segala-galanya bermula ketika saya baru bergelar graduan Universiti dan berkhidmat sebagai Pengurus Jualan. Bermula di bahagian Jualan selama satu tahun setengah, saya kemudiannya berpindah ke bahagian Pemasaran bermula dengan produk untuk seisi rumah – Beautifront dan seterusnya ke bahagian Kosmetik, Aksesori, Barangan Kesihatan serta Bahagian Beauty Plus,” cerita pemegang ijazah BSc in Business Administration – Marketing di University of Pacific, Stockton, California, Amerika Syarikat tersebut.
Melihatkan kesungguhan dan kredibiliti Aspalin dalam membangunkan prestasi sesebuah bahagian yang diterajuinya, pihak AVON tidak teragak-agak untuk memberi kepercayaan kepada beliau untuk menerajui pasaran AVON di Vietnam. “Kemuncak kerjaya saya ialah apabila dihantar ke Vietnam selama dua tahun serta membimbing rakyat tempatan di sana tentang pemasaran. Namun pada awalnya tidak mudah juga kerana pelbagai rintangan perlu diatasi untuk berada di posisi kini,” tutur Aspalin tanpa berselindung.
Ibarat pepatah, genggam bara api biar sampai menjadi arang, begitulah sikap Aspalin sewaktu diuji dengan cabaran di negara orang. “Sewaktu mula-mula menjalankan tugas di Vietnam, ramai staf berhenti dan yang tinggal pun hanya dua orang. Walaupun tekanan amat terasa, tetapi dengan memastikan tindakan segera bersama bahagian Sumber Manusia serta berkampung di sana, perkara tersebut berjaya diatasi. Akhirnya dalam tempoh dua tahun, AVON Vietnam berjaya meningkatkan jualan serta memperoleh keuntungan seperti yang kami sasarkan,” katanya sambil tersenyum puas.
Ikuti kisah kejayaan Aspalin dalam NONA keluaran April 2013..

Wednesday 13 February 2013

“With Avon, You Can!” Campaign to help Malaysians

AVON Malaysia launched its “With Avon, You Can!” campaign recently to provide jobs for the public.
Avon, the company for women, aims to provide more earning opportunities especially for women.

Making a statement: (From left) Mydin Hypermarket’s Datuk Ameer Ali Mydin, Maznah and Mansoor with the Tshirt that reads `With Avon, You Can!’.

The campaign was launched by Deputy Human Resources Minister Senator Datuk Maznah Mazlan at the Mydin Hypermarket in USJ.

“For 33 years, Avon Malaysia has empowered many women throughout Malaysia by not just providing earnings but other facilities, too.

“In 2008, Avon spent RM100mil on training, development, bonus, discounts and commissions to all its representatives in Malaysia.” said Avon Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam president Mansoor Wan Abdullah at the launch.

Maznah said the public and fresh graduates should take up the opportunities offered by Avon, especially the training and credit facilities.

At the launch, two Avon representatives were selected to appear in a TV commercial for the campaign. They are Salina Mokhtar, a senior unit manager from Terengganu and Nik Rosnani Nik Ibrahim, a unit director from Kuantan.

They shared their success stories with the audience.

Meanwhile, the campaign will be held at 12 locations nationwide. During these roadshows, the public can take part in interesting activities like talks on how to start their own business, make-up demonstrations and special offers.

Also, those who sign up as an Avon representative until Sept 15 will receive a free Florence Torte Bag with a minimum purchase of RM15 from the highlight brochure.

For enquiries, call 1-800-22-2866.

Thursday 7 February 2013

Avon Honours Top Performers - Annie Cheng Hwa Ping and Alice Teang Sew Fong

PETALING JAYA: Avon held a gala dinner in conjunction with its annual awards ceremony recently. 

Held at One World Hotel, here, the event was themed A Night Carved in the Stars. Avon members from all over the country came adorned in black and gold. 

Avon Malaysia managing director Carolyn Amira Lee expressed her pride in the Avon ladies for accepting various challenges throughout last year. "The Avon ladies have showed the true potential of women -- beautiful yet enthusiastic in creating names for themselves on high platforms," she said. 

Annie Cheng Hwa Ping won the Golden Circle award while Alice Teang Sew Fong took the honours for the Franchise award. 


 (From left) Alpret Tappi Taugi, Kamala Lanayagi and Kamariah Kamaruddin.

 (From left) Wong Hie Kiong, Wong Ting Siang, Sia Piik Huk and Ngu Soon Huongat the Avon Awards Night 2013 at One World Hotel. Pix by Chan Wai Yew 

 (From left) Nor Aini Mat Nor, Siti Aiza Hussin and Suriya Ruslan  

 Cristina Liaw and Jonathan Chin.

(From left) Kamari Mat Yusof, Aida Mardiana Che Abdullah, Nik Sina Suriya Abdullah and Anis Asrar Zulkifli.

Monday 4 February 2013

Avon hargai wanita gigih

 MANSOOR bersama Poh Yen (kiri) dan Sharmila. 

BAGI seorang wanita yang ingin mempunyai kehidupan seimbang dalam kerjaya dan rumah tangga, Sharmila Ismail, 35, adalah contoh yang baik untuk diikuti. Dia bukan sahaja mempunyai perniagaan yang berjaya malah dapat menghabiskan banyak masa bersama keluarga.

Ibu kepada empat anak itu asalnya hanyalah seorang pembantu kedai kasut sebelum bertukar kerja beberapa kali dan akhirnya membuat keputusan menjadi suri rumah sepenuh masa. Dia juga membuat keputusan untuk menceburi bidang kecantikan.

“Pada masa itu, saya hanya memikirkan untuk mempunyai kerjaya yang dapat membantu meringankan beban keluarga dan pada masa sama dapat memberikan perhatian kepada keluarga.
“Berkat kesungguhan saya menjual produk ini, saya berjaya mencapai jualan sehingga RM350,000 tahun lalu. Ia adalah jumlah tertinggi yang pernah saya peroleh,” katanya pada sambutan 125 tahun Avon di ibu pejabat Avon baru-baru ini.

Menurut Sharmila, dia berusaha bersungguh-sungguh mendalami selok belok perniagaan dan mengumpul downline untuk mencapai matlamatnya menjadi antara wakil Avon terbaik.
“Berkat perniagaan ini, saya berpeluang mengunjungi beberapa buah negara yang selama ini hanya dapat saya bayangkan dalam mimpi.

“Negara yang pernah saya kunjungi antaranya Britain, Perancis, Jepun dan Turki serta bakal ke Los Angeles, Amerika Syarikat pada tahun ini,” katanya.

Dalam pada itu, pada majlis tersebut, para jemputan media disambut warga kerja Avon dan juga wakil Avon yang tampil dengan penampilan ala zaman 1880.

Acara diikuti dengan sesi lawatan media ke kilang, kawasan pengangkutan, bahagian pemasaran dan bahagian jualan Avon.

Takdir bertukar
Sementara itu, turut dianugerahkan kejayaan sama, Kam Poh Yen, 40 yang memberitahu, perniagaan Avon telah mengubah kehidupannya yang serba kekurangan kepada serba mewah hasil kesungguhan menjual produk bersama kumpulannya.

“Sebelum menjalankan perniagaan ini, saya hanya memiliki motosikal buruk tetapi kini saya memiliki sebuah banglo dan dua buah kereta mewah.

“Menerusi peluang yang Avon berikan menerusi pinjaman tanpa cagaran, saya memanfaatkan sepenuhnya kredit yang diberi,” katanya yang berjaya menjual barangan Avon sebanyak RM1.2 juta bersama kumpulannya tahun lalu.

Menurut Poh Yen, dia bekerja keras untuk mencapai apa yang dia miliki kini. Dia memanfaatkan peluang yang diberikan Avon dan mengikuti latihan-latihan yang dijalankan bagi memantapkan perniagaannya.

“Atas bimbingan yang diberikan, saya semakin bersemangat untuk bekerja keras dan tidak berputus asa dengan mudah. Suami juga menyokong kerjaya saya dan banyak membantu saya dalam mengembangkan perniagaan ini,” katanya yang berpeluang bercuti ke Switzerland dan bakal ke New Zealand pada tahun ini.

Dalam pada itu, Presiden Avon Malaysia, Mansoor Wan Abdullah berkata, Avon kini mempunyai kira-kira 450,000 wakil penjual Avon dan 180 rangkaian butik francais di seluruh negara.
“Sebagai syarikat jualan langsung barangan kecantikan yang terbesar di dunia, Avon bukan sahaja mencantikkan kaum wanita tetapi juga memberi peluang pendapatan kepada ramai wanita menjalankan perniagaan.

“Avon turut memberi suntikan modal sehingga RM70,000 untuk memulakan perniagaan. Ia menjadi pemangkin kepada ramai wanita untuk menjana pendapatan lebih bagi meningkatkan taraf hidup masing-masing.

Turut hadir ialah duta-duta Avon iaitu pengacara TV3, Nurul Syuhada Nurul Ain Mohd Zain yang mewakili duta alat mekap Avon Color dan pelakon terkenal, Nor Fazura Sharifuddin yang menjadi duta haruman Avon.

Tuesday 1 January 2013

Welcome to the World of AVON

Our vision is to be the company that best understands and satisfies the products, service and self-fulfillment needs of women globally.  

Our dedication to supporting women touches not only beauty – but health, fitness, self-empowerment and financial independence.  Today, Avon is more relevant and powerful than ever before, and we have a dramatic opportunity to be the answer that people are seeking for in these challenging economy situation. 

Here’s why :         
• Avon is the world’s largest economic engine. Avon is offering tens of thousands of individuals the Avon Earning Opportunity.

• Avon is the world’s largest micro lender. Avon continues to extend credit to more than 5 million women globally.  

• Avon is the world’s answer to smart value. With women seeking affordable luxury, Avon answers with innovation, quality and affordability. 

For 34 years, Avon Malaysia has empowered many women across the Peninsular, Sabah and Sarawak by providing them with Earning Opportunities and making their dreams come true.  

Avon representatives are supported by their Zone Managers, training, credit facilities and more than 200 Avon Beauty Boutiques through out Malaysia.